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CorroZoom: V.S. Raja: Development of High Strength and Environmentally Assisted Cracking Resistant Aluminum Alloys: Metallurgical and Electrochemical Aspects

2023-01-23 @ 15:00 - 17:00

To register (free for all): https://osu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yGYURWbcQX2i1LNp_lGeKQ

Development of High Strength and Environmentally Assisted Cracking Resistant Aluminum Alloys: Metallurgical and Electrochemical Aspects

V.S. Raja

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


Application of high strength aluminum alloys for structural applications is stifled as they tend to be more susceptible to environmentally assisted cracking (EAC), with increasing strength. In order to develop alloys having both high strength and resistance to EAC, there is a need to understand the interplay of alloy-stress-environment interactions. Unlike stainless steels, aluminum alloys possess a range of phases, whose electrochemical behavior and interactions with dislocations influence the EAC resistance of these alloys. This talk will bring out the salient features of our work towards understanding the role of metallurgical and electrochemical aspects in developing aluminum alloys of high strength and EAC resistance.


Prof. VS. Raja is currently Institute Chair Professor in the Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. His research interests span of structure-property-corrosion topics mostly focused on localized corrosion, environmentally assisted cracking of light metals, weld related corrosion, development of novel coating and advanced ultra-critical steam oxidation. He has supervised a large number of doctoral and masters students. He is the lead editor of the book Stress Corrosion Cracking: Theory and Practice and co-authored a book Corrosion Failures: Basics, Case Studies and Solutions. In recognition, he received several national and international awards for teaching and research. He is fellow of NACE International, USA (2011), Indian Institute of Metals (2014) and The Electrochemical Society of India (2017).


15:00 - 17:00



