Two short presentations and free discussion on the subject.
The link will be sent to SKY members by e-mail.
Machine learning for predicting alkali salt-induced high-temperature corrosion of superheater materials (by Rasmus Fagerlund)
- Short introduction on high-temperature corrosion in black liquor recovery boilers and Åbo Akademi corrosion test method
- Data analysis
- Modeling of data using machine learning methods
- Model performance and conclusions
Modeling of steam usage at a power plant site (by Jere Espo)
- Trials to manage different operational situations with a mathematical model based on process data
- Correct timing of required operator manual work
- Generation of more valid process measurement alarms
Rasmus Fagerlund
- Doctoral student at Åbo Akademi University
- Currently working on modeling of NOx formation for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models of black liquor recovery boilers (supervisor Docent Markus Engblom)
- Background in chemical engineering
- Interested in AI applications, mathematical modeling and optimization
Jere Espo
Process Engineer
- Team leader of Vantaa Energy Chemistry Team operating at three sites
- Background in analytical chemistry
Roughly 25 years of experience in power plant chemistry including topics like:
- Fuel analysis
- Flue gas cleaning
- Water chemistry
- Chemical safety
- Team leading tasks