Seuraava CorroZoom-webinaari pidetään 2.5.2022 klo 15.
Aihe: Anodizing of metals and alloys: film formation and applications
Luennoitsija: Hiroki Habazaki, Hokaido University, Japan
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Anodizing of metals and alloys: film formation and applications
Hiroki Habazaki, Hokaido University, Japan
Anodizing of metallic materials under suitable conditions can produce nanostructured oxide films as well as barrier-type compact oxide films. Typical examples are nanoporous anodic alumina films on aluminum and nanotubular anodic titania films. Such anodic films have many applications, including corrosion protection and nanodevices. In this presentation, the fabrication of unique surfaces showing super-liquid-repellence and slippery properties using the anodizing technique is demonstrated. Super-liquid-repellent surfaces, even for low-surface-tension oils, were produced by developing micro-/nano-hierarchically rough surfaces, exhibiting novel self-cleaning, anti-fouling, anti-snow-sticking, fluid drag reduction, and corrosion protection. The anodizing technique has been utilized mainly on valve metals, but recently, this technique has been extended to a range of metals, including iron, zinc, and copper. This presentation will also introduce the formation and properties of various nanostructured anodic films on iron and zinc.
Hiroki Habazaki is a professor of Division of Applied Chemistry in Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University. Prior to joining Hokkaido University in 2000, he was an assistant professor at Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University. He also spent two years from 1993 at Corrosion and Protection Centre, UMIST, Manchester, where he started anodizing research. His current research interests are anodizing of various metals and alloys, nanostructuring of surfaces, control of surface wettability, electrocatalysts, nanoscale surface characterization.